Technique: 90° Infra-Red (ISO 7027)
Range: 40, 100, 400 and 1,000NTU
– user selectable
Resolution: 40NTU ±0.01NTU, 100NTU
±0.02NTU, 400NTU ±0.1NTU, 1,000NTU ±0.2NTU
Repeatability: ±1% at 25°C
Linearity: Better than 1% for 40NTU,
100NTU and 400NTU. 3% for 1,000NTU (using 3 point calibration)
Temperature: -10°C to 50°C with ±0.1
resolution and ±0.5°C accuracy. Time constant 20 seconds in water
Output: RS232 - 1200BPS, 7 data bits,
even parity, one stop bit
Logging Interval: User set, from
less than 1 second to over 18 hours in 1 second increments
Logging Capacity: 10,000 data sets
minimum but depends on memory capacity installed in the probe
Calibration: 2 or 3 point calibration
for each range
Power: Four 1.5V C cell batteries
Wipe Time: 8 seconds nominal
Depth Rating: 100 meter static water
Operating Temperature: -10°C to 50°C
Storage Temperature: -20°C to 55°C
Construction: Stainless steel casing
with protruding castellations to protect the plastic fibre-optic
Weight: 1,1 Kg - including batteries
Dimensions: 506.5mm long, 36mm diameter